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Season's Change

B. Wilson • Sep 18, 2022

Spring from Summer into Autumn...

We are officially in Autumn, can you tell?

It's so interesting, to me, the way the seasons change. To have before you the wet-supple ground in the spring, teaming with life and vibrance; pulsating its way into a hot and humid summertime; then, as commanded, it stretches and wrings its way through autumn until the leaves are crisp; only to hide itself in the brisk-frost of winter. It's absolutely captivating!

I remember as a small girl growing up in San Francisco through the 90's. I was only eleven or twelve years old, but I remember getting up as early as I could to try and watch the sunrise. So breathtaking. If I close my eyes, I can see it now.

I'm on the top of a hill, it's dark, it's quiet, I'm alone only for a cluster of moments. *Inhale* Crisp-fresh-cold air; I shiver. *Exhale* smile, and repeat. I breathe in the morning and exhale all of the nights concerns and troubles, they don't exist here, only the sunrise. I continue this methodical; inhale then exhale for as long as I can until, as if the performance has commenced, the sun scales over the houses, standing upright and at attention, pushing itself into the sky. It reaches upwards until finally; it has sat down in the most prominent seat my eyes can behold.

Now that it is in the sky, the sun challenges me to a staring contest and I lose mercilessly. As I close my eyes with tears running down my face because the sun doesn't play fair, its rays gently caress my skin and place what could only be described as kisses on my cheeks. The sun reminds me that I'm present and accounted for in the rehearsal of morning glories and that just like the flower; I remain.

And oh, my goodness of the morning! With the passing of each season, we dig in a little deeper and grow again. Weathering the storms of life, whether winter, spring, summer, or fall, we dig in and grown again. I love a bountiful harvest and love what is taught during the lean years.
Remember, it doesn't matter which season you're in; there are always going to be things that you can sow and reap a harvest from. Just remember, wherever you are planted; and in this case, whenever you are planted, grow <3

By B. Wilson 18 Sep, 2022
Spring from Summer into Autumn...
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